Give an underprivileged child a future

Give an underprivileged child a future

As a godparent you support your godchild by contributing €35 on a monthly basis.

Become a godparent

Cunina helps underprivileged children go to school through personal sponsorships.

Cooperate with Cunina

  • Transparent development aid
  • Building educational projects
  • Join the Cunina family
  • More than 130 achievements

Cunina, a transparent organisation

Cunina has an open financial policy and publicly shows all of their financial information. 

0% Federal government subsidie

8,93% Operating costs

€ 0 Publicity

Figures financial year 2015

Wouter Torfs

Our ambassadors: Wouter Torfs

Wouter, as the CEO of Schoenen Torfs, a Belgian shoe store chain, and Cunina ambassador, concentrates on civil and economic society.

“I accepted the ambassadorship of Cunina with pride and enthusiasm! Schoenen Torfs and Cunina have been working together intensively and for many years. This way I got to know Cunina as an organization that has their heart in the right place."

Wc42017 Event Image

Walk 4 Charity 2017: The Revenue

The last edition of Walk 4 Charity, April 30, 2017, was a true success story. Our move to a new location and the new route were immediately welcomed by more than 500 participants.

A radiant sun, a beautiful walk and a refreshing terrace gave Cunina a total of € 4,200 to spend on the Green Village project. Thank you!